martes, 4 de diciembre de 2018

My subjects

Hello everyone, today I will to talk about the subjects.

This semester I have seven subjects, it is very difficult to handle them and do well in everything. I even think that this is one of the most difficult semesters I've had in the whole carrier. The subjects that I have are correlational statistics, contemporary theory, qualitative information analysis, quantitative research, English, gender training course and political sociology.

My favorite subject this semester is political sociology, because it is a branch that is always present. I feel that it has opened perspectives on Chilean society. I can make an analysis about the different contingency issues, because everything in this world is political and I think it is very important to have a comprehensive and critical perspective on this. Of course, this is always linked to personal ideology but I think it is very important to have this subject.

The positive aspect is that it helps you to understand the world in which you live and society, the contingency. The negative is that they can teach it tendentiously, in addition the teacher almost always arrives late or sometimes has not arrived and I have been on the way or in the university also very early.

But I liked very much this subjects and all subjects I have this semester, in reality I love my carrier.

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